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Friday, January 14, 2011

Lost in the arms of destiny ...

So, I may have the sweetest boyfriend in the entire world.

It's quite amazing how different people can turn out to be in comparison to your first impression of them.

I must learn not to judge so quickly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world ...

So, I'm finding that going without sleep for too long really screws with my immune system. This is twice in two weeks that I've skipped a nights sleep almost completely and I've been really sick the day after. What the hell is up with that?

I also seem to be taking a bit of a shine to religion again. Maybe this year I'll actually sort of stick to being kosher. But ... my love of bacon may just kill me. I'm giving up so much this year.  //sob

Who wants to give up bacon and fizzy with me this year?  Anyone?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just run with me through rows of speeding cars ...

So after a couple of days without my laptop and internet, it's safe to say that I have a new appreciation for my laptop and it's internet capabilities. I came back to facebook with a ridiculous amount of notifications, back to blogspot with a million and one new blog entries to read and back to an empty laptop with an obscene amount of software to reinstall.

So, after the 3 or 4 hours that it took me to put everything back onto my laptop that I needed, I find myself incredibly hungry and bored. Entertainment can easily be found in the form of a bunch of anime I haven't watched since Armageddon, a couple of movies I'm supposed to return in a day or two and my room to clean ... or something (not so much entertainment as compulsory if i want to live). 

Hunger however, is not such an easy task, since the kitchen is currently off limits AGAIN due to renovation crap. //sigh.      It really doesn't make any sense to me to cover the kitchen in sheets to paint, then walk off and do something else; leaving the kitchen saying, "don't touch anything, I'll be back in two minutes."  Four hours later, "Okay, I'm going to start painting now."          Except that the kitchen will now be non-functional all day. We will all starve and it will all be my fault for not making dinner except ... there's nowhere to make it.

So hopefully I  can get something to eat and retreat back into my room to watch some anime and gleefully await the virtual arrival of my top three. <3

Monday, January 3, 2011

And this addiction is killing me ...

So this ... no carbonated stuff thing ... it's killing me. It's only the 3rd and I feel like a heroin addict on withdrawl. The really irritating thing is,  my mother bought a 2.5L bottle of coke and it's in the fridge.  Nobody else drinks it, so it's a temptation that will never go away, since I'm not allowed to throw it away.

So, temptation. It's there. It's killing me. I might cave. Effff.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oh yeah! And ...

I had the best new years ever. That is all.

And it really makes me wonder ...

So, it seems like every year I make a new years resolution that I never keep. Most of the time, they weren't really of any benefit to me, just things that I could think of at the time. This year however, I have thought of something that is both benificial to me and a challenge. In fact, a huge challenge.

I've decided to give up all carbonated drinks this year ... for the entire year. Yup, you heard right. The pepsi addict is giving up carbonated drinks. This will kill me.

But I've found that after I started drinking fizzy stuff again (especially coke) I feel sick all of the time.  So, my reasoning:  if I give up fizzy drinks, I can avoid the constant sickly feeling I have. And I suspect it will do my energy levels wonders too. So .. yay!!

On the other hand, anyone who knows me, knows how addicted I am to pepsi and coke. I drink a couple of glasses of it a day, at least. This is going to be really difficult. BUT, I've done it before and I can do it again.

Motivation, I has it.