I haven't posted in months and to be completely honest, it's because I got lazy. I couldn't be bothered to log on and think about something to write. There was so much going on in my head and nothing I felt like I could articulate.
Today is the first day of my second semester final exams. I have archaeology today and I'll be surprised if I pass. Actually, the only thing I'm sort of confident about is Art History. My motivation has just gone for working hard because right now, I hate what I'm doing.
I thought and though about what I wanted to do next year, tried to figure out if property was the best way for me given that my math skills aren't really up to university standard, and other such things. And finally, I decided on teaching. I hopefully start my teaching degree in February specialising in Primary education, depending on if I get in- on academic grounds, I don't see that being a problem, given that I got into the most competitive degree program at university, but my personal expression might not be a strong as some of the other people applying.
I'm feeling a little bit trapped these days. I want to get out and do things and enjoy my life and all I seem to do is sit around being demotivated by how far behind I'm falling at university, how many assignments I have to do and how much studying I need to get done, but realistically won't.
I need a break.